Our community has been through a lot due to the ongoing pandemic, and all of us are looking forward to resuming our normal habits and routines. While many things have changed, one thing has remained the same: our commitment to your health and safety.

Infection control has always been a top priority of our dental practice, and you may have seen that we take great pride in this. Our infection control processes are made so that when you receive care, it’s both safe and comfortable. We want to tell you about the infection control procedures we follow in our practice to keep the patients, staff, and the ones we come in contact with in our daily lives safe.

Our office follows infection control recommendations made by the American Dental Association (ADA), the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). We follow the activities of these agencies so that we are up-to-date on any new rulings or guidance that may be issued.

Upon the emergence of COVID-19, here are some additional measures we take to ensure your safety:
  • Our office will communicate with you beforehand to ask some screening questions. You’ll be asked those same questions again when you are in the office, and we will be taking your temperature. Based on your answers and if your temperature is 100.4°F or higher, we will need to reschedule your appointment.
  • We have hand sanitizer that we will ask you to use when you enter the office. You will also find some in other places in the office for you to use as needed.
  • You may see that our waiting room will no longer offer magazines, children’s toys and so forth, since those items are difficult to clean and disinfect. Similarly, please limit the personal belongings that you bring inside to your appointment.
  • Appointments will be managed to allow for social distancing between patients when possible. That might mean that you’re offered fewer options for scheduling your appointment. Please respect the social distancing requirement of 6 feet where practical.
  • We will do our best to allow greater time between patients to reduce waiting times for you, as well as to reduce the number of patients in the reception area at any one time. To that end, please consider calling from your car to check on the status of the reception area and be on time. Also, please come alone to your appointments. If needed, one guardian/caretaker is permitted, but they must remain in the reception area.
  • Please arrive with face masks/coverings for they will be required at all times for both patients and staff when appropriate.
  • An antiseptic mouth rinse will be used just prior to treatment for the health and safety of all. Where possible, expect changes in how we do certain procedures to eliminate or reduce the spread of aerosols and splatter during treatment. For example, for now we will be temporarily eliminating ultrasonic tools and teeth polishing during your teeth cleaning appointments until further notice.
  • Clear sneeze guard barriers between you and our front desk personnel will be used to aid in social distancing, and we ask that we all limit our conversations to what’s necessary to limit contact time. More regular and frequent sanitizing of high touch areas and items will be done for your health and safety. This includes door and other handles, light switches, countertops, etc.
We look forward to seeing you again and are happy to answer any questions you may have about the steps we take to keep you, and every patient, safe in our practice. To make an appointment, please call our office at 415-752-8311 .

Thank you for being our patient. We value your trust and loyalty and look forward to welcoming back our patients, neighbors, and friends.

Dr. Leo Arellano

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Gum disease treatment without the cost of a periodontist in San Francisco

Periolase Laser Therapy from San Francisco dentist

Periodontal (Gum) disease is a bacterial infection that can affect the gums and bone that support the teeth. Many American adults have some form of gum disease, ranging from simple gum infection (gingivitis) to serious disease (periodontitis), which can cause severe damage to the gums and bone, as well as tooth loss. Plaque is a bacteria laden, colorless, sticky biofilm that continually forms on teeth. When this biofilm isn’t regularly disturbed by brushing and flossing, the harmful bacteria begins attacking the oral tissues. Gingivitis (the early stage of the disease) causes the gums to swell, redden, and bleed easily. It … Continue reading

Laser Assisted New Attachment Procedure (LANAP) in San Francisco

periodontal disease laser treatment from San Francisco dentist

The LANAP protocol is a technologically advanced approach to periodontal treatment; it is a minimally invasive, patient-friendly, alternative to scalpel and suture periodontal surgery. Dr. Leo Arellano and his team can treat any stage of periodontal disease in a way that is less traumatic and less painful than with standard gum surgery. Periodontal (gum) disease Gum disease begins with plaque, a sticky biofilm that clings to the teeth and, when not removed regularly, becomes hard, forming calculus (tartar). These deposits harbor harmful bacteria that infect the gum tissue. Gingivitis, the earliest stage of gum disease is characterized by swollen, red … Continue reading

Invisalign orthodontic treatments offer an alternative to braces in San Francisco

Braces Orthodontics San Francisco

A great smile is about more than white teeth, fresh breath, and lack of cavities. It’s also about having teeth that are properly aligned. However, many patients believe that the only way to get a straighter smile is with traditional braces. Dr. Leo Arellano of San Francisco offers his patients an alternative with Invisalign orthodontic treatment. How is Invisalign different from traditional braces? Invisalign works by using a series of comfortable plastic alignment trays to shift the teeth into proper positions. Instead of traditional metal braces with sharp wires and tiny rubber bands, Invisalign’s trays offer patients discretion during their … Continue reading

Dentist in San Francisco describes Invisalign treatment

Invisalign Dentist in San Francisco

Dr. Leo Arellano is a well-known San Francisco dentist who has helped countless patients improve their smiles with cosmetic dental treatments. Dr. Arellano and his team understand that when patients feel more confident about their smiles, it can improve their self-esteem and their personal and professional relationships. Patients who are unhappy with the alignment of their smile often want results, but they don’t want to undergo the traditional orthodontic treatment with braces that utilizes brackets and wires. Dr. Arellano can ease these fears and improve his patient’s’ smiles using Invisalign. This treatment adjusts teeth using high quality, comfortable, and clear … Continue reading

Enjoy discreet orthodontic correction with invisible aligners in San Francisco

Invisible Aligners San Francisco

Dr. Leo Arellano helps image-conscious adults in San Francisco straighten their smiles with high tech invisible aligners. Invisalign provides orthodontic correction without the obvious brackets and wires inherent with traditional metal braces. The flexibility, convenience, and aesthetics of the treatment fit in seamlessly with the personal, social, and professional lifestyles of today’s busy adults. Simple Dr. Arellano takes pictures, x-rays, and impressions and sends them to Invisalign, where a 3-D image of the teeth is created. The doctor designs a step-by-step plan based on the digital model, determining the precise movements of the teeth and the length of the treatment. … Continue reading

Clear plastic aligners can improve San Francisco patients’ oral health

Clear Plastic Aligners San Francisco

According to the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey III, more than 50 percent of the adult population in the U.S. has some degree of malocclusion. Poorly aligned teeth can negatively affect the health of periodontal (gum) tissues. Crooked teeth are harder to clean thoroughly, which can lead to serious dental issues, especially periodontal (gum) disease. Evidence-based research has shown that by eliminating crowding, the risk for periodontal disease is significantly decreased. Periodontal disease can have a negative effect on patients’ overall health leading to serious concerns such as: Increased risk of strokes Heart problems Premature delivery and low birth … Continue reading

Daly City residents avoid cleaning around braces by choosing Invisalign

Cleaning Invisalign Braces Daly City

Good oral health is a necessary foundation for a beautiful smile and effective oral hygiene is a necessary foundation for good oral health. Cleaning around brackets and wires can be time consuming and even inefficient. Frequently, when patients finally have their traditional braces removed, there are areas of decay where they were unable to clean their teeth properly. Dr. Leo Arellano helps patients in San Francisco, Daly City, and the surrounding areas straighten their smiles while enjoying the many benefits of Invisalign: Easy oral hygiene – The aligner trays are removable, which makes it easy to clean the teeth effectively. … Continue reading

San Francisco patients ask, “Is Invisalign better than braces?”

Invisalign Better Than Braces San Francisco

A great smile is important for plenty of reasons. Not only does it give many individuals a great boost of confidence, it can also help to improve personal and professional relationships. Individuals who have teeth that are misaligned often find themselves being critical of their own smile and appearance. Dr. Leo Arellano, a trusted dentist in San Francisco, has been helping his patients improve their smiles for many years. Dr. Arellano recognizes that while many patients want to make changes because of their appearance, those changes can also improve the health of the mouth as well. Many adult patients do … Continue reading

Invisalign v. Braces: Which is right for you?

Invisalign v. Braces San Francisco

Your smile is your greatest asset and is typically the first thing people notice when they see you. Is yours as straight as it could be? Maybe your bite is a little bit off, maybe the gap that you used to find appealing now makes you self-conscious, maybe you tried traditional braces, but your teeth shifted after they were removed. Whatever the reason for wanting to straighten your teeth, Dr. Leo Arellano wants you to know that the benefits of straighter teeth aren’t simply cosmetic. Straighter teeth also mean a healthier mouth, easier cleaning, and better overall health. The even … Continue reading

The benefits of Invisalign treatment in San Francisco

Invisalign Treatment San Francisco

Kelton research recently did a study on perception for Invisalign, and the results help explain the ever-increasing popularity of the Invisalign teeth straightening system. According to the study, teeth are the outstanding feature people notice when meeting someone and the smile is the memory that lingers the longest. A smile has more effect on social perception than most people realize, and as this becomes more evident, increasing numbers are seeking cosmetic treatment such as Invisalign. When someone looks in the mirror and sees that they look their best, they can greet the world with confidence, but when they see crooked … Continue reading

Real Patients Real Results

Before and After Photos

Fractured front tooth and large space repaired and filled in with composite bonding in one appointment

Photo by Dr. Leo Arellano

Cosmetic Dentistry – BNA Image – 04
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What our patients are saying...

originally posted on Google

Highly recommend Dr Arellano’s practice.
Dr. Arellano and his staffs are pros and with long experience. It’s your true dentist next door. You can see from pictures hanged on the walk that most, if not all, of his staffs have been working with him for ages. It speaks for itself for how well Arellano DDS PC is!

Have been patronizing this place for many years. Back then I used to live in the same neighborhood. Their service is so good that even after I moved to a new neighborhood that’s super far away from here I still continue to come here for all my dental care.

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