Daly City residents avoid cleaning around braces by choosing Invisalign
Good oral health is a necessary foundation for a beautiful smile and effective oral hygiene is a necessary foundation for good oral health. Cleaning around brackets and wires can be time consuming and even inefficient. Frequently, when patients finally have their traditional braces removed, there are areas of decay where they were unable to clean their teeth properly.
Dr. Leo Arellano helps patients in San Francisco, Daly City, and the surrounding areas straighten their smiles while enjoying the many benefits of Invisalign:
- Easy oral hygiene – The aligner trays are removable, which makes it easy to clean the teeth effectively. Patients simply brush and floss as they normally would, with the added step of brushing the aligners gently with a soft brush and rinsing in cool water. It is important to clean the teeth after eating or drinking before snapping the trays back in place so that bacteria-promoting residue isn’t trapped under the trays.
- Discreet treatment – The clear plastic trays are virtually invisible when worn, which is extremely important to image-conscious patients. This aspect of Invisalign has encouraged many adults who had been avoiding traditional metal braces to seek orthodontic treatment.
- Faster dental appointments – The visits are short because they are simply progress checks, there are no wires to tighten.
- Comfort – Traditional wires and brackets frequently abrade the soft tissues of the mouth. The smooth plastic trays cause much less discomfort and there isn’t the risk of brace wires breaking and poking the cheeks, lips, or tongue.
- Diet – Patients can enjoy all of their favorite foods because the trays are removed when eating. Standard braces limit patients’ food choices because very hard, sticky, or chewy foods could break the fragile wires or loosen brackets.
- Removable – This is an important aspect of Invisalign. In addition to easy oral hygiene and no food restrictions, the trays can be removed to wear a mouth guard when playing sports, when playing a musical instrument, or for photo shoots or other important events. However, it is important that the trays be worn a minimum of 20 hours per day to keep treatment on schedule.
Call 415-881-4343 and ask about our complimentary 15-minute consultations to meet Dr. Arellano and his skilled team, or to schedule an appointment.