Everything You Need to Know About TMJ Disorder and Its Causes

You may not know it, but your jawbones do a lot of work. You rarely think about your jawbones while eating, talking, laughing, or taking that yawn. Unfortunately, when you have to perform these basic chores, and they cause you pain, you have to give your jawbone some attention. However, rest assured, Leo Arellano, DDS PC clinic in San Francisco, has a solution for you.
Are you experiencing excruciating jaw pain? TMJ disorder could be the culprit. TMJ pain stems from the temporomandibular joint, which is the hinge-like jaw joint that connects the lower jaw and the skull’s temporal bone. The TMJ is a complex joint that contains tendons, ligaments, bones, nerves, and other connecting tissues. When one of these components isn’t functioning correctly, you experience TMJ disorder.
Symptoms of TMJ disorder
When you are having issues with your TMJ, you will experience the below symptoms.
- Earaches (ringing in the ears)
- Jaw pain
- Headaches and dizziness
- Clicking sound when moving your jaw
- Neck or shoulder pain
- Swelling on your face
If you experience one or a combination of the above symptoms, please visit Leo Arellano, DDS PC, for a proper TMJ disorder diagnosis.
Causes of TMJ disorder
If you are experiencing TMJ pain, you are not alone. You are one among the 35 million patients in America. Of course, the numbers are high given the many undiagnosed TMJ cases. But what’s the cause of TMJ disorder? Most causes of TMJ are unknown, but the following are common culprits.
- Arthritis may damage cartilage joints
- Injury to the jawbone
- Bruxism or clenching of the teeth due to emotional stress
- An imbalanced bite (malocclusion)
- An excessive function that stresses the TMJ
- Disc erosion in the jaw
TMJ disorder treatment
While TMJ may resolve on its own, sometimes, it can be chronic, requiring a dentist’s attention. At our clinic, Dr. Leo Arellano uses oral appliance therapy — a treatment that’s crucial in aligning your jaw. This mouthpiece is worn during sleep and helps in relaxing your muscles, especially if you suffer from bruxism.
Besides oral appliance therapy, you may consider physical therapy, chiropractic care, and trigger point therapy. If these treatments aren’t successful, surgery may be the last option.
Effective TMJ disorder treatment in San Francisco
Is TMJ disorder slowing you in life? Don’t stress out. Instead, dial 415-881-4343 to book an appointment with Leo Arellano DDS PC. Dr. Leo Arellano will administer non-surgical TMJ disorder relief, restoring your health to its best.