Conservative tooth restoration with onlays San Francisco CA

Dr. Leo Arellano and his skilled team are dedicated to providing the very best that their profession has to offer. The wellbeing of the patient is their top priority in all aspects of the preventive, cosmetic, and restorative services they deliver. Patients in San Francisco and across CA can rely on the doctor and his team to provide effective, conservative solutions to their dental concerns.
An onlay vs. a crown
Although dental crowns are commonly used to treat weakened or damaged teeth, frequently a more conservative option would be effective. Placing a crown requires the reduction of a significant amount of tooth structure. Unnecessarily removing healthy tooth structure is not in the best interests of the patient. In many cases, dental onlays can repair large cavities without the removal healthy portions of the tooth.
Consider the future
For onlays, the restoration is shaped to fit the tooth, but for crowns, the tooth is shaped to fit the restoration, leaving minimal natural structure. If the restoration fails in the future and decay sets in under the crown, there isn’t much tooth structure left to work with. Many times, a root canal treatment would be required because there is no enamel protecting the tooth thereby allowing the decay to spread more quickly under the crown. That would be followed by building up the tooth structure enough to place another crown. In some cases, the tooth isn’t viable enough for a root canal treatment and it has to be extracted. If an onlay fails, the decayed portion can be removed and another onlay placed.
The advanced ceramics and adhesives that are available today allow the doctor to create restorations that essentially reconstruct a healthy tooth. The materials bond to the tooth structure, providing strength and sealing out bacteria. The result is teeth that look, act, and feel like natural, untreated teeth, and they will last a very long time with effective oral hygiene and regular visits to the dentist.
Dr. Arellano’s expertise in conservative dentistry protects the future oral health of the people of San Francisco CA. To enjoy optimal oral health with minimal, conservative dental services, call 415-881-4343 and schedule an appointment today.