Treating gum disease with a San Francisco, CA dentist to keep your gums healthy!

Common oral conditions such as periodontal disease or “gum disease,” can cause a variety of problems if left undiagnosed and untreated. Dr. Leo Arellano and the team in his San Francisco, CA area practice are committed to helping patients prevent this condition from occurring. If it does, it can lead to systemic health problems and the loss of teeth, bone, and gum tissue. With good oral hygiene habits and routine professional care and cleanings with our team, patients can defend their smiles against gum disease and keep their gums healthy. Treating this condition starts with a proper diagnosis.
What is periodontal disease?
Poor oral hygiene habits can contribute to the development and progressions of periodontal disease. This condition is completely avoidable with proper care. Dr. Leo Arellano and his team advise patients to visit the office at least every six months for a cleaning and evaluation. This allows our staff to catch inflammation and infection such as this in the earliest of stages for successful intervention. If left untreated, many patients will experience future problems with their smiles.
How is periodontal disease treated?
We are pleased to provide various methods for treating periodontal disease. These methods include:
- Thorough cleanings
- Antibiotics
- Root scaling and planing
- Laser gum treatment
- Gum surgeries
- Gum grafting
When periodontal disease has been diagnosed, patients will be advised as to the best possible treatment for their smile. The earlier stages can be treated quickly with a dental cleaning and the administration of antibiotics, while the later stages will require scaling and root planing. Scaling and root planing and laser gum treatment is more invasive, but can effectively address the condition and help patients get their smile back to health. Finally, gum surgeries and gum grafting may be needed in more advanced conditions. X-rays are used to check for any damage that may have occurred to the bone, and our team will evaluate the patient as a whole to ensure they are making progress with periodontal care.
Call Dr. Leo Arellano today
Periodontal disease is a condition that needs to be diagnosed and treated as soon as possible to avoid further permanent damage to the teeth, gums, and bone. Contact Dr. Leo Arellano by calling 415-881-4343 to request an appointment. He is here to assist new and current patients in the area of San Francisco, California.