Getting adjusted to your new life free of snoring and sleep apnea in Daly City

Oral Appliance Therapy – Oral appliances are at the forefront for reducing snoring and alleviating mild to moderate forms of sleep apnea. An oral appliance is a plastic device that fits inside your mouth to be worn at night while you sleep. It offers many of the same benefits as a conventional continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) system, without the intruding hoses, pump, and mask.
- Substantial reduction in occurrence of sleep apnea and snoring, especially for patients prone to sleeping on their backs or stomachs
- Higher rate of compliance than CPAP users
- Better quality of sleep
- Reduced snoring frequency and loudness
Types of Appliances
At Dr. Leo Arellano General & Cosmetic Dentistry, Daly City residents can be expertly assessed and fitted for oral appliance therapy treatment. Oral appliances fall into two categories. Tongue retaining devices hold the tongue in a forward position using suction so it does not slide back into the airway cavity. Mandibular repositioning devices are similar to a sports guard or a retainer, fitting over your upper and lower teeth to hold the jaw forward and prevent your throat from collapsing.
Many medical insurance policies provide coverage, and flexible payment programs are available. Overall, oral appliance devices are considerably less costly than CPAP units are.
Adjustment Period
Oral appliances are comfortable and easy to use, but do require a brief adjustment period. Once you are at home with your new device, expect to take a few days to a few weeks to become fully accustomed to its feel and function. The devices, which are worn 6-8 hours every night, can last up to five years with regular care.
What to expect with your new oral appliance:
- Due to the construction and design of the appliance, it may be slightly uncomfortable at first, particularly with the mandibular repositioning device, which juts your lower jaw forward. However, should you feel extreme discomfort in your jaw joint (TMJ) area, contact your dentist immediately.
- Check over time for any movement of your teeth to ensure there is no permanent repositioning.
- If you are using mandibular repositioning device, be patient. It may take up to 6 months to maximize the forward extension of the jaw to optimize airflow.
- Dry lips and excessive salivation may occur.
- When the device is first removed each morning, your jaw may need 15-45 minutes to shift from its forward bite to using your normal bite. Over time, this will become a natural daily reprogramming.