San Francisco dentist explains how the pinhole surgical technique can help patients suffering periodontal disease
If you have ever noticed bleeding gums after brushing, you are not alone. Many people spot a little ‘pink in the sink’ and assume that it is normal, or an indication that they brushed with too much pressure. However, bleeding gums are not normal. In fact, this is one of the early symptoms of gum disease. Other early signs include gums that are red or inflamed and persistent bad breath. A minimally invasive treatment for periodontal disease is now available in San Francisco.
Gum disease is a common infection, but one that can cause irreversible damage if not addressed early. Unfortunately, symptoms of gum disease are often overlooked, leading to the condition not being treated until it has progressed.
Stages of gum disease
- Gingivitis is the least aggressive form. It can be treated effectively with a professional cleaning and improvement in home oral hygiene habits.
- Periodontitis occurs if gingivitis goes untreated. Plaque that remains on teeth turns to tartar, both of which cause long-term gum inflammation if not removed. Over time, gum tissue begins to pull away from teeth, leaving large pockets between the gum line and tooth surface. These pockets hold infection, which can spread to bone and tissues in the mouth. It can also cause teeth to shift, and lead to tooth loss.
To learn more about gum disease and the Pinhole Surgical Technique, call Dr. Leo Arellano today at 415-881-4343.