San Francisco dentist explains how to care for dental implants

Dental implants are a popular choice for dentists and patients in San Francisco, CA. Implants are often used to replace a tooth that has been extracted or lost due to decay, infection or trauma and have a 90% success rate. Advantages of dental implants over options such as bridges or dentures include improved appearance, comfort and speech; easier eating; increased self-esteem; durability; and convenience.
Implants typically only require the same care as natural teeth like brushing, flossing and regular visits to the dentist. However, Dr. Leo Arellano, a trusted and respected dentist who performs many dental implant surgeries each year, offers additional tips to ensure that your implant procedure is successful.
Take it easy – Implant surgery, while typically pain-free, is still surgery. Many patients feel like they can jump back into their typical routine just after surgery. However, you may want to take a day or two to rest and let your mouth recover.
Rinse with salt water – Salt water rinses can speed up the healing process and help reduce pain and swelling. Simply add a teaspoon of salt into a cup of warm water, rinse your mouth thoroughly and spit it out.
Watch what you eat – In the days after your surgery you will want to eat soft items such as yogurt. Avoid sugary foods as your teeth may be sensitive and sugar will require extra brushing. You may also want to avoid very hot or very cold foods or beverages as your teeth may be sensitive in the days following the procedure.
Pain relief medication – The medication that is prescribed to you is important to keep your mouth free from infection and to help reduce pain and swelling. Be sure to take it as prescribed and on schedule.
Gentle brushing – You will need to brush your teeth and the implant to ensure that it stays clean and bacteria-free. However, be sure to brush gently and be careful to not pull the stitches out. Brushing and using the salt water rinse at the same time will increase the effectiveness of both and help you to remember both steps.
Do you have a tooth that needs to be replaced? Dr. Arellano can help improve your smile and ensure your mouth stays healthy.