Dental Implant Restoration, The Basics and Process
The world of dentistry has evolved over the years with new techniques and new technology. Unfortunately, there is still a portion of the public that has a natural fear of going to the dentist. That fear compounds when anything outside the realm of a basic cleaning is suggested, leading to delayed or canceled treatment. One of the new treatments available to replace missing teeth is dental implant restoration for San Francisco area residents. This treatment doesn’t need to be feared as it’s a simple procedure with minimal pain and discomfort.
Dental Implant Restoration – The Basics
Dental implant restoration involves the replacement of missing teeth with substitute artificial teeth that are made from different materials. These materials could be made out of porcelain or a synthetic material built to last for years. This procedure is perfect for those who wish not to wear dentures or partial dentures to replace missing teeth. The dental implants are built to last and will remain for many years after installation, and in some cases, the implants could last a lifetime.
Dental Implant Restoration – The Process
The process of dental implants starts with a consultation with your dentist as they evaluate what’s needed to begin the process. These tests will consist of x-rays of your teeth to determine any lingering cavities or tooth damage in other places. The tests also assess your bite line, and they get a good overall picture of how your teeth should sit within the jawline.
The dental practitioner will determine where the incision should be made and insert the implant with the cap connection on top. After a waiting period of four months or so for the incision to heal and the implant to heal and set, the dentist will then install the crown (a new tooth) on the implant. The patient will feel minimal pain and sensation due to local anesthetics being applied, or in some cases, they can put you under for the entire procedure.
Where To Go?
If you’re in the bay area and need dental implant restoration, you can contact Leo Arellano DDS PC in San Francisco. Contact Dr. Leo Arellano today at 415-881-4343 to have all of your questions answered.